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About Doctoral Programme

About Doctoral Programme

Doctoral Programme in Management (Ph.D.)

The Doctoral Programme in Management (PhD) is a full-time programme of the Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur (IIMS). The PhD programme at IIMS encourages innovative and inter-disciplinary research in all areas of business management.


The Programme Learning Goals of PhD at IIMS is to:

  • Provide world-class training in all areas of business management to enable students to undertake high-quality research.
  • Create a group of committed and qualified individuals to create and disseminate new knowledge in all areas of business management, thereby influencing management thought and practice
  • Meet the growing needs of academic institutions in India and abroad for quality management teachers.


PhD at IIMS adheres to the following values:

  • Academic integrity
  • Rigour in training and research
  • Belief in multidisciplinary approach


Duration of the Programme

Students are expected to complete the programme within 5 years.

Program Structure:

Programme Overview:

The rigour and training of the PhD programme at IIMS is on par with premier business schools in India and abroad. The objective of the programme is to train research scholars in a way that they become experts in their area through intensive teaching and research.


The Institute uses the concept of credit to define the weightage of courses in the curriculum. Courses are listed as one-, two- or three-credit courses depending upon the indicative workload for each course. Generally, a three-credit course involves about 140 hours of work, of which nearly 25% is in the classroom and the rest outside the classroom in the form of preparation and assignments.

PhD students will pursue the first year of the coursework along with MBA students of IIMS. In the second year, they would be required to study PhD compulsory courses, area compulsory courses based on the student’s area of specialization and other elective courses.

Stages in the PhD Programme:

The PhD programme starts with coursework and then comes the stage of research. During the first two years, the student undertakes rigorous coursework in overall management courses as well as area courses. This is interspersed with a summer research project for a period of 8-10 weeks. At the end of course work stage, a Comprehensive Qualifying Examination (CQE) will be conducted. On successfully clearing the CQE, students will go to the research stage by submitting and defending their research proposal. After writing the thesis based on the research proposal, students will submit the thesis for evaluation and publicly defend it.

 Financial Support


PhD Students in good standing will receive a monthly stipend of Rs 30,000 excluding House Rent Allowance (HRA) of Rs 5,000. After clearing the CQE, the monthly stipend will be revised to Rs.35,000 till the end of their fourth year in the programme. The stipend is in addition to tuition fee waiver, books and materials, insurance and other contingency expenses. The support can be extended for six months for a maximum of two times thereafter with the concurrence of the TAC and the DPR Committee. If extended two times, stipend will be paid till 31st May of the student’s fifth year.

Contingency Grant

Contingency Grant of Rs 30,000 per year is allowed on a reimbursement basis for purchase of hardware, software, books, databases, data collection expenses, conference expenses and any other items directly related to the programme for a maximum of 4 years. Any unspent money of the Contingency Grant in one year can be carried forward to future period, as long as the student is registered in the programme.

Conference Grant

Conference Grant will be available to PhD students from June of their second year. PhD students can avail the conference grant for paper presentation subject to the following:

  • The grant request should be recommended by the student’s faculty mentor (before TAC formation) or TAC Chairperson (after TAC formation) and will be finally approved by the DPR Chairperson
  • National conference grant is Rs 60,000 for the duration of the programme.
  • International conference grant is Rs 2,50,000 for 2 international conferences that a PhD student can attend during the course of the programme.