Mankind Pharma Limited - Paonta Sahib, Himachal Pradesh
Date: 11 – 12 – 2019 (Batch 5)
Zeon Lifescience Limited - Paonta Sahib, Himachal Pradesh
Date: 28 – 08 – 2019 (Batch 4)
Marico Ltd - 14th October 2018
Second-year students from the elective of Project Management got the opportunity to visit the Marico Ltd. Paonta Sahib plant. Headed by the senior faculty from NITIE, Prof. Ashok Pundir, the faculty in-charge for Project Managment elective, the visit brought out insights on various aspects of the plant operations and its value streams. The plant head, Mr. Vaibhav Kulkarni, from his rich experience, also talked about the intricacies of the different types of projects he has handled during his tenure at Marico Ltd. Mr. Nitin Pathak, the HR head of the plant, also discussed the multiple initiatives taken for employee engagement and how the plant has grown through the years. Setup in 2010, the Marico plant has been responsible for the production of various FMCG products like Parachute Hair Oil, Set Wet Hair Gel, Nihar Hair Oil, and Livon.
Tirupati Medicare Ltd - 12th December 2017
The industrial visit provided students with a glimpse of real life manufacturing operations and augmented the classroom learning obtained during Operations Management course.
Himalaya International- 20th September 2016
Students understood the 'Process Costing and Cold Supply Chain' in a Food Processing industry. They also comprehended various facets of costing of a product in a food-based company even under volatile demand conditions.
Braza Tyres- 11th March 2016
Industrial visit to Braza Tyres to gain insights about the operations and supply chain management of a Tyre manufacturing company. They also grasped various challenges that are affecting the industry today.
Bourn Hall IVF clinic- 24th December 2015
Industrial visit at Bourn Hall IVF clinic to understand its operations. We comprehended the complexity involved in production specifically tailored to suit consumer needs. How to deliver cutting-edge product and best-in-class support towards achieving the best possible outcome, while also upholding the highest possible quality standards.