
Dr. Vanessa Gaitree Gowreesunkar

Associate Professor, Tourism Management

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Dr. Vanessa Gaitree Gowreesunkar
Associate Professor
Tourism Management

Ph.D. (University of Technology Mauritius-under supervision of Oxford-Brookes University,UK ), M.Phil. (University of Technology Mauritius-under supervision of Nottingham University,UK)



Dr. Vanessa (Gaitree) Gowreesunkar is an Associate Professor with varied research interests in tourism. With a PhD cutting across three disciplines (Tourism Management, Communication, and Marketing), and around two decades of experience in teaching, training, and research, Vanessa has contributed to various international universities and educational institutions. Vanessa is currently serving the Tourism Department where she teaches tourism-related courses, French and other Management courses. Before joining IIM Sirmaur, she was working at Anant National University in Ahmedabad and prior to that, she was holding the position of Head of Department at the University of Africa. Vanessa has also worked with several countries such as Mauritius, Nigeria, UK, Egypt, Malaysia, South Africa among others.

As the first international faculty at IIM Sirmaur, Vanessa’s main objective is to bring in international collaborations to meet the institute's aspirations on global learning. Vanessa is also known as an international player with a passion for building connections and driving successful collaborations across borders. She has fostered partnerships and facilitated cross-country collaborations to drive growth and innovation in several countries.

From a research perspective, Vanessa has published in several leading scientific journals. Additionally, she is the main editor of a number of international textbooks. She has authored and co-authored numerous book chapters and research articles with leading scholars. She is also often solicited as keynote speaker on international platforms. Outside her academic role, she holds the position of Associate Editor for the Emerald International Journal of Tourism Cities and Vice President of the International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA). Vanessa also assumes the role of social media director for both entities and she serves as observer at the World Tourism Network. She is the Assistant Editor for communication at the Emerald Tourism Review Journal. She is the reviewer of several leading academic journals.

From a non-academic perspective, Vanessa has been playing a key role in several community-based projects. She served as Vice President and President at the African Network for Policy, Research, and Advocacy for Sustainability (ANPRAS), a regional Non-Governmental Organization affiliated with the African Union. At the African Union, she served as Cluster Secretary for women and as Deputy Chair for Tourism at the African Union ECOSOCC. Vanessa actively promotes women's empowerment through her affiliation with the World Advocates in Tourism and Women Academics in Tourism. She also serves as the National Coordinator for WAELE (, an international organization based in Nigeria that advocates for widows and young girls. Recently, she has been appointed as a Board Member of the prestigious Indian Ocean Tourism Organization (IOTO), which regroups over 35 countries and island nations within the Indian Ocean region

Teaching and Research Interest

Tourism management and marketing; Media and communication; French; German; Research techniques; Employability skills; Island tourism; Sustainable tourism development; Culture and heritage tourism; Conflict management; Business communication and related topics

Research and Consultancy Projects

Awards And Honours

  • 2023 – India Leading Professor 2023 -
  • 2022 – Global Woman for Change Award – International Woman Day, 09 March, Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Foundation and SheReal India
  • 2021 – Global Women Leadership Award – SMEstreet Foundation, Ministry of MSME (India) and WASME
  • 2020 – Emerald Literati Award Winner – Outstanding reviewer for International Journal of Tourism Cities
  • 2019 - "Exceptional Women of Excellence” Award- World Economic Forum, 11th-16th, April, New Delhi -
  • 2018 - Award for ‘100 most influential woman in Mauritius 2018 Edition’ – Train to gain - 30 November, Mauritius
  • 2017 - African Achiever Excellence Award, International Summit on ‘the role of women in peace and conflict resolution in Africa, Hilton Dar es Salaam, 03-05 November 
  • 2016 - Pride of African Woman Award for Contribution towards African Women Emancipation, WAELE, Nigeria, 03 November
  • 2014 - Best Paper Award at International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management,  21-22 May, Paris
  • 2014 - Best Oral Presenter, International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management -
  • 2005 - Ministry of Tourism Award for outstanding performance in BSc (Hons) First Class Degree
  • 2005 - Gold Medalist for BSc (Hons) Tourism and Hospitality Management 
  • 2005 - Student of the Year Award for BSc (Hons) Tourism and Hospitality Management 
  • 2004 - Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Conference - Best plenary speaker


Edited Books

  • Korstanje, M.  and Gowreesunkar, V (2023). Anthropology of Tourism (2024). AAP, CRC Press, Taylor, and Francis,
  • Korstanje and Gowreesunkar. Tourism and Human Rights (2023). AAP, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, IGI Global, ISBN 1668487284, 9781668487280,
  • Maingi, Gowreesunkar and Korstanje (2023). Tourism and consumer behaviour, Springer Nature Macmillan – Ahead of Print 
  • Korstanje, M. and Gowreesunkar, V., Maingi, S.  (2023). Tourism in Crisis. Nova Science Publishers,
  • Séraphin, Korstanje and Gowreesunkar (May 2023) Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Tourism, 2nd Edition, AAP, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 9781774913505
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Maingi, S., Mingate, F. (2022) Tourism Management and Restoration of Ecosystem Service in a Post Pandemic Context: Global issues and Challenges,  Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group: London ISBN 9781032248080
  • Gowreesunkar, V. and Seraphin, H. (2022). Tourism: What Strategies to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes - Volume 14 Number 1
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Maingi, S., Roy, H. and Micera, R. (2021) Tourism Destination Management in a Post-Pandemic Context: Global issues and Destination Management Solutions, Emerald Publishing Limited,  First Edition, UK
  • Séraphin, H., & Gowreesunkar, V. (Eds.). (2020). Children in Hospitality and Tourism: Marketing and Managing Experiences (Vol. 4). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. 
  • Kokkranikal, J., Morrison, A. and Gowreesunkar, V, Guest Editor (2020)  - Indian Incredible Cities: anticipating the future, respecting the past, International Journal of Tourism Cities, Emerald Publishing, Vol 6 No. 3 pp 485-490 available on:’s_incredible_cities_Anticipating_the_future_respecting_the_past_Tourism_in_Indian_Cities
  • Maximiliano, M., Seraphin, H, and Gowreesunkar, V (2020) Post-Colonial, Conflict and Disaster Destinations Marketing Strategy: Towards a New Approach to Tourism Management. Book in press at Apple Academic Press, a division of Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press 
  • Gowreesunkar, V. and Seraphin, H. (2020). Children in Hospitality, Tourism and Events: Marketing and Managing Experiences, De Gruyter Publication – September 2020
  • Gowreesunkar, V. and Seraphin, H. (2019). What smart and sustainable strategies could be used to reduce the impact of overtourism? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Theme. Vol 11 N5 Emerald Publishing UK. ISSN 1755-4217
  • Séraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V (2017).  “What marketing strategy for destinations with a negative image?”, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 9 Issue: 5, pp.496-503,
  • Seraphin H., Korstanje, M. and Gowreesunkar, V (2018). International Event Management: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. Nova Science Publishers. Book series.  ISBN: 978-1-53613-664-
  • Guest Editorship on Special Issue with Routledge:
  • International Journal of Law and Management (Scopus Indexed) – International Conference on Excellence in Marketing and Tourism Management – 15 & 16 January 2022
  • International Journal of Spa and Wellness (Scopus Indexed) - International Conference on Excellence in Marketing and Tourism Management – 15 & 16 January 2022

Research Papers

  • Kaura, A., Hussain, S., Mahendar Reddy, M, Gowreesunkar, V. and Swain, SK (2023). Retrospective overview on global food tourism and related research: a bibliometric, Journal of Foodservice Business Research,
  • Kashyap, Kumar and Gowreesunkar (2023). Delving Medical Tourism in India: Insights and Challenges, Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, Volume 6 Issue 1 December 2022 ISSN: 2515-6780 - 
  • Gupta, S., Sajnani, M. and Gowreesunkar, V (2023). "Impact of Social Media Platforms on Tourist’s Perception of the Selection of Food Outlets: A Case of Delhi NCR (India)" has been published in International Journal of Professional Business Review, Vol 8 No. 7, pp 1-17,'s_Perception_for_the_Selection_of_Food_Outlets_A_Case_of_Delhi_NCR_India
  • Chanda, I., Sajnani, M. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2023).  An Explorative Study on Dooars Region of West Bengal, India - Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development Special Issue
  • Chanda, I. Sajnani, M. And Gowreesunkar, V (2023). Challenges And Opportunities For Development And Growth Of Smart Sustainable Ecotourism In The Dooars Region In India, International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
  • Chanda, I., Sajnani, M. and Gowreesunkar, V (2023). An Explorative Study on Dooars Region of West Bengal, India (JCHMSD-12-2022-0199) Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 
  • Gowreesunkar, V and Maingi, S (2022). Rebuilding Tourism Post Pandemic, Policy Recommendations from Global Case Studies, Emerald Publishing
  • Gowreesunkar, V and Séraphin, H ( 2022). Beggarism in D. Buhalis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 80037 747 9  Link:
  • Gowreesunkar, V and Séraphin, H 2022). Black Market Beggarism in D. Buhalis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 80037 747 9.
  • Bacari, C.Séraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2021), Sustainable development goals and the hotel sector: case examples and implications, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes,
  •  Seraphin, H.Bah, M.Fyall, A. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2021), "Tourism education in France and sustainable development goal 4 (quality education)", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes,
  • Seraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2021), Conclusion - Tourism: how to achieve the sustainable development goals?” Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes
  • Seraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2021), Reflection - Tourism: how to achieve the sustainable development goals?” Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes
  • Gowreesunkar, V.Seraphin, H. and Canosa, A. (2021). Destination Marketing Organisations: The Need for a Child-centred Approach to Diaspora Tourism. Tourism Planning and Development. DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2021.1903983
  • Gowreesunkar, V.Seraphin, H. and Mohammad, N (2020) Beggarism and Black Market Tourism – A Case Study of Hyderabad City (India) (2020). International Journal of Tourism Cities, Emerald Insight, Volume 1 Issue 3, ISSN 2056-5607
  • Kokkranikal, J, Morisson, A and Gowreesunkar, V (2020). Incredible Cities: anticipating the future, respecting the past, Editorial for Special Issue, International Journal of Tourism Cities, Emerald Insight, Volume 1 Issue 3, ISSN 2056-5607
  • Gowreesunkar, V. and Reddy, M. (2020). Urbanism and Overtourism:  Impacts and Implications for the City of Hyderabad. Routledge Handbook of Tourism Cities,  first edition, Emerald Publishing, UK 
  • Gowreesunkar, V. G., & Vo-Thanh, T. (2020). Between overtourism and under-tourism: Impacts, implications, and probable solutions. In H. Seraphin, T. Gladkikh, & T. Vo-Thanh (Eds.), Overtourism: Causes, implications, and solutions (pp. 45–68). Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Seraphin, H., Bonnardel,V. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2020). Redesigning Haiti’s Destination Marketing Organization Logo: Identity, Aesthetics and Communication Implications. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 15, 100393 
  • Seraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V. and Platania, M.  (2019). Examining the Relationship between Residents’ Level of Happiness and Supportiveness to Tourism Events: Winchester (UK) as a Case Study. Journal of Tourismology, 5(2): 93-112 DOI: 10.26650/jot.2019.5.2.0005
  • Gowreesunkar, V.Seraphin, H. and Teare, R. (2019). Reflections on the theme issue outcomes. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 634-640.
  • Gowreesunkar, V. and Seraphin, H. (2019). Conclusion: local communities’ Quality of Life: what strategy to address overtourism, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 627-633.
  • Gowreesunkar, V. and Seraphin, H. (2019). Introduction, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 484-491.
  • Seraphin, H.Gowreesunkar, V.Zaman, M. and Lorey, T. (2019), "Limitations of Trexit (tourism exit) as a solution to overtourism", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 566-581.
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Seraphin, H. and Zaman, M. (2019). A Logit Model to explain tourism entrepreneurs’ support for tourism development in the island of Mauritius (Indian Ocean),  ARA - Journal of Tourism Research, 19 Vol. 9, No.1, 2014-4458
  • Gowreesunkar, V (2019) "African Union (AU) Agenda 2063 and tourism development in Africa: contribution, contradiction and implications", International Journal of Tourism Cities,
  • Tej Vir Singh and Gowreesunkar, V (2019). Transformation of Himalayan pilgrimage: a sustainable travel on the wane. Journal on Tourism & Sustainability, Volume 2 Issue 2 June 2019 ISSN: 2515-6780
  • Seraphin, H., Korstanje, M.  and Gowreesunkar, V.  (2019) Diaspora and ambidextrous management of tourism in post-colonial, post-conflict and post-disaster destinations, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, DOI: 10.1080/14766825.2019.1582658
  • Seraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V., Zaman, M., Bourliataux-Lajoinie (2019). Community-based festivals as a tool to tackle tourismphobia and Anti-tourism movements, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 39, 219-223.
  • Pompeia, L.F Michael and Gowreesunkar Vanessa GB (2018). Review of the Evolution of marketing techniques in Political Campaigns in a developing state. Journal of communication studies and media, Common Ground Publication
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Naqvi, M. and Seraphin, H. (2018). Impacts and Implications of Islet Tourism Development:  Ilot Bernaches, (Mauritius) as a Case Study - Island Studies Journal Volume 13 (1), pp 251-266-
  • Séraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V., Roselé-Chim, P., Duplan, Y. J. and Korstanje, M. (2018). Tourism planning and innovation: The Caribbean under the spotlight. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 384-388.
  • Seraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V., Rodriguez D, and Pagan, N (2018). Assessing the tourism performance of a destination. Towards a new approach using Cuba as a case study. Critical Essays in Tourism Research, Nova Publishers
  • Seraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V, Capatana, A. and Yallop, A (2018). Heritage in tourism organizations’ branding strategy: The case of a post-colonial, post-conflict and post-disaster destination. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research. doi: 10.1108/IJCTHR-05-2017-0057 
  • Afanasiev, O., Afanasiev, A., Séraphin, H. & Gowreesunkar, V. (2018) Critical debate on the concept of ecological tourism: The Russian experience, In Korstanje, M. (Ed.) Critical essays in tourism research. New York: Nova Science Publishers
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Tej Vir Singh and Naqvi, M. (2017). Why Tourism Eludes the Grasp of Stakeholders? Some Reflections on Sustainability, Journal of On Tourism and Sustainability (JOTS) Volume 1 Issue 1, ISSN 2515-6780, November issue (ISBN 9780948314674)
  • Teare, R.Séraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V. GB (2017), "Editorial", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 9 No. 5, pp. 494 495.
  • Teare, R., Seraphin, H, and Gowreesunkar, V (2017). "What marketing strategy for destinations with a negative image?", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes,   available on 
  • Seraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V (2017).Unlocking changes for sport tourism products using the Blakeley-Visser model. Application to sport events in small islands: The case of Martinique. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. Vol 15 (1), 60-81
  • Seraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V (2017). Post-colonial, post-conflict and post-disaster destinations image recovery: Which strategy to implement? Theme Editors.  Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes Volume 11 Number 2, 2019
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Naqvi, M. and Seraphin, H (2017). Why Tourism eludes the grasp of Stakeholders: Some Reflections on Sustainability. Paper presented at the 8th conference on ‘Sustainable Tourism Development: Issues, Challenges & Debates, 25th - 28th April 2017. Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Gowreesunkar, V. and Seraphin, H. (2016). Entrepreneurship in Haiti: Toward an Identification of the ‘Blind Spots’. Études caribéennes, URL:, ISSN: 1961-859X
  • Seraphin, H, Gowreesunkar, V. and Ambaye M (2016).The Blakeley Model Applied to Improving a Destination: An Exploratory Study: The Case of Haiti, Journal of Destination Management and Marketing, Vol.5 No.4 pp.325-332 
  • Pompeia, M and Gowreesunkar, V (2016). The use of Facebook as a marketing tool by politicians: an empirical study in Mauritius. Journal of Communication and Media Studies. volume 1 Issue 3, September, 25-38
  • Séraphin, H., Ambaye, M., Gowreesunkar, V. and Bonnardel, V. (2016). A marketing research tool for destination marketing organizations' logo design. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), pp.5022-5027.
  • Gowreesunkar, V (2016). What island can learn from tourism and entertainment in Mauritius, The Conversation, South Africa, 13 January 2016 -
  • Gowreesunkar, V and Sotiriades, M. (2014). Entertainment of leisure tourists in island destinations: Evidence from the Island of Mauritius. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol 4, Issue 2223, 1-19.
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Van der Sterren, J. and Seraphin, H (2015). Social Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Promoting Global Citizenship in Island Tourism Destination Management, ARA Journal, Volume 5, No.1, pp 7-23, E-Issn:2014.4458
  • Gowreesunkar, V and Rycha Ian (2015) A Study on the Impacts of Dolphin Watching as a Tourism Activity: Western Mauritius as a Case Study, International Journal of Trade, Economic and Finance, Vol 6, No. 1, pp 67-72
  • Seraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V and Butler, C. (2013) Entrepreneurship in the Tourism Sector: A Comparative Approach of Haiti, Mauritius and Coastal Kenya, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Volume 11, No.2, pp 72-92
  • Gowreesunkar, V, Cooper, CP and Dubarry R (2009) The Role of Internal Marketing in Destination Management: A Case Study of Grand Bay Mauritius, International Journal of Environmental, Cultural and Economic and Social Sustainability, Volume 5, No. 5, pp 142-160

Book Chapters

  • Gowreesunkar, V., Maingi, S. and Cooper, C. (2023). Tourism policies in the next normal: Trends and Issues from global case studies" in the upcoming. Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Global Tourism Supply and Demand" Edited by Alastair M. Morrison and Dimitrios Buhalis
  • Séraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2023). Unlocking Changes for Sport Tourism Products Using the Blakeley-Visser Model: Application to Sport Events in Small Islands, the Case of Martinique. In Séraphin, Korstanje and Gowreesunkar edited book Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Tourism, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 9781774913505
  •  Séraphin, H., Guegan, X. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2023). Post-Colonial Branding and Self-Branding in Destination Marketing Strategy. In Séraphin, Korstanje and Gowreesunkar edited book Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Tourism, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 9781774913505
  • Séraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2023). Food Events and Destination Image: A Corollary Note. In Séraphin, Korstanje and Gowreesunkar edited book Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Tourism, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 9781774913505
  • Tiwari, P.Seraphin, H. and Gowresunkar, V. (2022), "COVID-19: An Opportunity to Theorise (Online) Teaching Practices in Tourism and Related Topics", Korstanje, M.E.Seraphin, H. and Maingi, S.W. (Ed.) Tourism Through Troubled Times (Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 113-131.
  • Seraphin, H., and Gowreesunkar, V (2022). Designing an Effective Tourism (and Cognate Disciplines) Online Learning Environment and Pedagogies: A Global Approach
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Maingi, S. and Mingate, F. (2022). Status of the Tourism Ecosystem Services: Marking More Realities. Management of Tourism Ecosystem Services in a Post-Pandemic Context: Global perspective, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, First Edition, ISBN 9781032248080
  • Gowreesunkar, V and Séraphin, H ( 2022). Children as Ambassadors in Sustainability Initiatives of ANPRAS, Mauritius", Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 171-188.
  • Maingi, S. and Gowreesunkar, V (2022). Child Rights and Inclusive Sustainable Tourism Development in East Africa: Case of Kenya; Children and Sustainable and responsible tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, ISBN: 9781801176576, 
  • Seraphin, H., Ambaye, M. Yallop, A. Gowreesunkar, V., Zaman, M. (2020). A Framework for Identifying the Potential Impacts of Resort Mini-Clubs. Children in Hospitality and Tourism: Marketing and Managing Experiences (Vol. 4). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. 
  • Séraphin, H., Capucci, M. and Gowreesunkar, V (2020). Resort mini-clubs as tools for the long-term improvement of Post-Conflict and Disaster destinations’ image. Children in Hospitality and Tourism: Marketing and Managing Experiences (Vol. 4). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
  • Gowreesunkar, V. G., & Vo-Thanh, T. (2020). Between overtourism and under-tourism: Impacts, implications, and probable solutions. In H. Seraphin, T. Gladkikh, & T. Vo-Thanh (Eds.), Overtourism: Causes, implications, and solutions (pp. 45–68). Palgrave Macmillan.
    (2) (PDF) Between Overtourism and Under-Tourism: Impacts, Implications, and Probable Solutions. [accessed Apr 29 2023].
  • Séraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V and Capucci, M.  (2020). Adult-only hotels’: Why are children excluded? Children in Hospitality and Tourism: Marketing and Managing Experiences (Vol. 4). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
  • Maximiliano, M., Seraphin, H, and Gowreesunkar, V (2020) Post-Colonial, Conflict and Disaster Destinations Marketing Strategy: Towards a New Approach to Tourism Management. Apple Academic Press, a division of Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press 
  • Seraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V., Zaman, M., & Lorey, T. (2019). Limitations of Trexit (tourism exit) as a solution to overtourism. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.
  • Gowreesunkar, V., & Seraphin, H. (2019). Conclusion: local communities’ quality of life: what strategy to address overtourism? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.
  • Séraphin, H and Gowreesunkar, V (2019). What marketing strategy for destinations with a negative image? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Volume 11 Number 2, 2019
  • Seraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V (2018), in Seraphin, H and Korstanje, M. editions - International Event Management Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, Nova Science Publishers, New York ISBN 978-1-53613—665-4 Publishers,  / ISBN: 978-1-53613-664-7:/
  • Singh, T. V, Naqvi, M. and Gowreesunkar, V (2018). What tourism can do: the fall of pastoral Manali resort in Kulu Valley of Indian Himalayas. E-book, available on Springer on
  • Gowreesunkar, V. G., Séraphin, H. & Morrison, A. (2018), “Destination Marketing Organisations: Roles and Challenges”, In Gursoy, D. & Chi, C.G. (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Marketing, London & New-York. Also on
  • Seraphin, H., & Gowreesunkar, V. (2018). Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis to Identify the Bright Spots in Dark Tourism. In M. Korstanje, & B. George (Eds.), Virtual Traumascapes and Exploring the Roots of Dark Tourism (pp. 67-83). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2750-3.ch004; E-Book, Chapter 4, IGI Global book series Advances in Hospitality, Tourism, and the Services Industry (AHTSI) (ISSN: 2475-6547; eISSN: 2475-6555) August 2017: electronic access:
  • Séraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V and Chaarani, B (2017). International hotel chains: A two-tier CSR system: The case of the hospitality sector in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince (Haïti) – in Christina Koutra's edited book "Corporate Social Responsibility: Applications of Good Practices and Malpractices in Tourism and the Hospitality Industry in the Developing World", Nova Science Publisher, ISBN 978-53612-310-4 (2018). 
  • Gowreesunkar, V GB and Varvaressos, S. (2017). Attributes Influencing Customer Satisfaction: A Mauritian Case Study. Handbook of Consumer Behavior for Hospitality and Tourism, Routledge, UK, pp 185-200
  • Gowreesunkar, V GB and Dixit, S. (2017). Consumer Information Seeking Behaviour. Handbook of Consumer Behavior for Hospitality and Tourism, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group Publishing, Routledge: UK, pp 55-68

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers


Conference Organization And Coordination


  • The Fifth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability University of Technology Mauritius 5-7 January 2009, Common Ground 


  • The International Tourism Sustainability Conference 2011’: Embracing Social and Environmental Change: The Influence and Role of Tourism, 21st to 24th, September, Balaclava, University of Technology, Mauritius and University of Bedfordshire
  • The 8th International Conference on Learning in collaboration with Common Ground, University of Mauritius, 05-08 July 2011, University of Mauritius


  • Conference executive member - International Conference on Excellence in Marketing & Tourism Management ICE MTM – 01-03 August in partnership with SINOP University Turkey, International Congress on Social Science - Turkey, and BlueForskning Research Academy – India


  • Muziris Conference – Responsible Post-Pandemic Tourism – Built Environment and Design Excellence in partnership with Common Ground and Anant National University - 27-28 June 2022


Keynote Speaker/Presenter/Moderator/Chair

  • 02-04 March 2023 – Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Tourism and SDG, NITHM, Hyderabad, Design in Tourism: Application and Implications  
  • 15-16 October 2022 – Keynote Speaker for Daly School of Business Management, Indore – 2nd International Conference on Digital Innovations in Industry, Education, Management and Society  
  • 27 September 2022 – Distinguished Speaker – Institute of Hotel Management Ahmedabad, World Tourism Day 2022 
  • 25 -30 Sep 2022 – Speaker and Panelist for Tourism - Bayelsa Economic, Business and Investment Summit, Bayelsa, Nigeria – Navigating in the troubled water of COVID-19 – Economic Implications of Tourism in Nigeria 
  • 01-03 Sep 2022 - International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality: The cost of success for women in academia, Malaysia
  • 15 July 2022 - Speaker - 6th International Conference on Intercultural Tourism and Entrepreneurship by Goenka School of Hospitality and Tourism and Le Cordon Bleu
  • Theme: Entrepreneurial ventures in tourism and hospitality: a perspective of research and practice 
  • 27-28 June 2022 - Round table panelist – International Conference on Responsible Post-Pandemic Tourism, Built Environment, and Design Excellence: Assessing the Potential of Iconic Architecture in Cultural Tourism: a case study of Orissa (India), Muziris, Kerala, India 
  • 13-14 June 2022 - The Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference GTHC2022, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Children and Tourism,
  • 18-20 May 2022 - International Conference on Sustainable Tourism and Culture., Nepal
  • 25 February 2022 – Tribal Tourism on cultural tourism, Global Academy of Tourism Education (GATE) Kathmandu Nepal. GATE is one of the leading colleges providing international standard Hospitality Management Bachelors degree since 2007.
  • 22 February 2022 – Hyderabad Central University, Indian Anthropology Congress, Tribal tourism and culture shock
  • 18 February 2022, Moderator, a third international joint conference on tourism, hospitality, and SDGs, NITHM
  • 25 January 2022 - National Tourism Day, NITHM, Virtual conference on Tourism and Sustainability: Indian Tourism and Sustainability: a view from below
  • 27-31 December 2021 – Keynote Speaker, Tourism and climate change - evidence from India, virtual conference,  Tamil Nadu University
  • 15-16 January 2022 - 7th FsCongress International Conference on Excellence in Marketing & Tourism Management Turkey, Title: Consumer Behaviour in Tourism: Digital Explosion, Consumer Revolution and Some Reflections! organized by BlueForskning Research Academy, India, and FsCongress International Congress on Social Science, ANKARA, Turkey
  • 02 November 2020 - International Virtual Conference on Tourism and Heritage, Luxor University, Egypt  
  • 25 September 2020 - Keynote Speaker for World Tourism Day – Amity University, Kolkatta, India 
  • 07-10 January 2019 - International Conference on Culture and Tourism, National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality, Local Residents Expression of Dissatisfaction with Tourism and Events. An Empirical Study Based on Winchester (UK), Hyderabad, India
  • 25-27 April 2018 - International Conference on Tourism and Sustainable Development, Tej Vir Singh, Naqvi, M and Gowreesunkar, V. (2018).Transformation of Himalayan Pilgrimage: A Sustainable Travel-culture on the Wane, Kathmandu (canceled)
  • 19-21 September 2018 - Zhoushan International Cruise Development of China, One Belt and One Road Initiative Conference, Zhoushan, China
  • 08-10  August 2017 – International Tourism Studies Association Conference, South Africa- Theme: African Union Agenda 2063 and Tourism Development in Africa: Contribution or Contradiction, ITSA Conference, University of South Africa: Theme: Unleash the African Continent Tourism potential through co-creation
  • 25th - 28th April 2017 - 8th conference on ‘Sustainable Tourism Development: Issues, Challenges & Debates, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 2017 - Online presentation - GIKA Conference. Redesigning Haiti’s Destination Marketing Organization Logo: Identity, Aesthetics and Communication Implications. , 27 June-01 July Paper presented at Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Portugal
  • Gowreesunkar, V (2016). Training Needs of Women Entrepreneurs in the Informal Tourism Economy: Case Study of Mauritius (Africa). TASAM Africa NGO and Thinking Forum, Civil Global 2016, 20-22 April, Turkey.
  • Seraphin, H Gowreesunkar, V, Ambaye M. and Bonnardel V. (2016). A Marketing Research Tool for Destination Marketing Organisations’ Logo Design. GIKA (Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy) Conference, 20-23 March, University of Valencia, Spain
  • 21-24 July 2017 - Gowreesunkar, V, and Seraphin, H (2015). ICT integration in the classroom teaching process: Perception of secondary school educators in Mauritius, Distance Education, and Teachers’ Training in Africa (DETA) Conference.
  • Speaker -  Using ICT in the Classroom Teaching-Learning Process in Mauritius: Investigating Secondary School Educators’ Perceptions, The Distance Education and Teacher Education in Africa (DETA) Conference, 20-24 July 2015
  • 21-22 May 2014 – Speaker - International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management (ICHTM 2014) Paris
  • 25-28 June 2014 – Speaker - Gowreesunkar V, Cooper CP, and Durbarry R. The Role of Entertainment in Tourism: Mauritius as Case Study- Proceedings of the Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, Mauritius, 
  • 25-28 June 2014 – Speaker - Gowreesunkar V and Durbarry R. Towards a Logit Model for Measuring Entrepreneurs’ Supportiveness in Tourism Development: Case Study of Northern Mauritius – Proceedings of the Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, Mauritius, Best Oral Presenter, International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management –
  • 18-19 July 2013 - Gowreesunkar, V, Lobin, K., Nuckchedee, S. Thondrayen, D. and Tohul, K.  Attitude and Behaviour towards Hotel Greening Initiatives: Perspective from Tourists of the Eastern Coast of Mauritius, International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Common Ground Publishing, Mauritius
  • 05-08 June 2012. Gowreesunkar, V, Cooper, CP, and Dubarry R . The Role of Knowledge in the Internal Marketing of Island Destinations: Northern Mauritius as a Case Study, International Conference on Tourism (ICOT, 2012 – ISN 978-9963-9799-1-2, ISSN 1986-4256) - Trends, Impacts and Policies on Sustainable Tourism Development, Cyprus
  • 21-24 September 2011. Gowreesunkar, V, Cooper, CP, and Dubarry R. A study of Attitude and Knowledge of Residents, as Tourism Hosting Community, in the region of Grand Bay (Mauritius), International Tourism Sustainability Conference: Embracing Social and Environmental Change: The Influence and Role of Tourism 
  • Discussant at the International Tourism Sustainability Conference 2011’: Embracing Social and Environmental Change: The Influence and Role of Tourism, 21st to 24th, September, Balaclava, University of Technology, Mauritius and University of Bedfordshire
  • 05-08 July 2011 - Discussant at the 8th International Conference on Learning in collaboration with Common Ground, UOM, University of Mauritius
  • 25-27 June 2014 - Discussant at the  Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference – University of Mauritius
  • 22-25 April 2010. Gowreesunkar, V, Cooper, CP and Dubarry R. A Study on Residents’ Attitude Towards Tourism Development in Grand Bay (Mauritius) and its Implications on Sustainability, International Conference on Sustainable Tourism: Issues, Debates and Challenges, Crete and Santorini, Greece
  • 05-07 January 2009. Mauritius – 5th International Sustainability Conference – Presenter and executive member of organizing committee
  • 18-19 July 2013 - Gowreesunkar, V, Ramnauth, T.  Ilot Bernache (Mauritius) as a Tourism Recreation Islet: Impacts, Challenges, and Implications, International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Common Ground Publishing, Mauritius,

Books and Book Chapters

Book Chapters

  • Gowreesunkar, V., Maingi, S. and Cooper, C. (2023). Tourism policies in the next normal: Trends and Issues from global case studies" in the upcoming. Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Global Tourism Supply and Demand" Edited by Alastair M. Morrison and Dimitrios Buhalis
  • Séraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2023). Unlocking Changes for Sport Tourism Products Using the Blakeley-Visser Model: Application to Sport Events in Small Islands, the Case of Martinique. In Séraphin, Korstanje and Gowreesunkar edited book Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Tourism, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 9781774913505
  •  Séraphin, H., Guegan, X. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2023). Post-Colonial Branding and Self-Branding in Destination Marketing Strategy. In Séraphin, Korstanje and Gowreesunkar edited book Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Tourism, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 9781774913505
  • Séraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V. (2023). Food Events and Destination Image: A Corollary Note. In Séraphin, Korstanje and Gowreesunkar edited book Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Tourism, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 9781774913505
  • Tiwari, P.Seraphin, H. and Gowresunkar, V. (2022), "COVID-19: An Opportunity to Theorise (Online) Teaching Practices in Tourism and Related Topics", Korstanje, M.E.Seraphin, H. and Maingi, S.W. (Ed.) Tourism Through Troubled Times (Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 113-131.
  • Seraphin, H., and Gowreesunkar, V (2022). Designing an Effective Tourism (and Cognate Disciplines) Online Learning Environment and Pedagogies: A Global Approach
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Maingi, S. and Mingate, F. (2022). Status of the Tourism Ecosystem Services: Marking More Realities. Management of Tourism Ecosystem Services in a Post-Pandemic Context: Global perspective, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, First Edition, ISBN 9781032248080
  • Gowreesunkar, V and Séraphin, H ( 2022). Children as Ambassadors in Sustainability Initiatives of ANPRAS, Mauritius", Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 171-188.
  • Maingi, S. and Gowreesunkar, V (2022). Child Rights and Inclusive Sustainable Tourism Development in East Africa: Case of Kenya; Children and Sustainable and responsible tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, ISBN: 9781801176576, 
  • Seraphin, H., Ambaye, M. Yallop, A. Gowreesunkar, V., Zaman, M. (2020). A Framework for Identifying the Potential Impacts of Resort Mini-Clubs. Children in Hospitality and Tourism: Marketing and Managing Experiences (Vol. 4). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. 
  • Séraphin, H., Capucci, M. and Gowreesunkar, V (2020). Resort mini-clubs as tools for the long-term improvement of Post-Conflict and Disaster destinations’ image. Children in Hospitality and Tourism: Marketing and Managing Experiences (Vol. 4). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
  • Gowreesunkar, V. G., & Vo-Thanh, T. (2020). Between overtourism and under-tourism: Impacts, implications, and probable solutions. In H. Seraphin, T. Gladkikh, & T. Vo-Thanh (Eds.), Overtourism: Causes, implications, and solutions (pp. 45–68). Palgrave Macmillan.
    (2) (PDF) Between Overtourism and Under-Tourism: Impacts, Implications, and Probable Solutions. [accessed Apr 29 2023].
  • Séraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V and Capucci, M.  (2020). Adult-only hotels’: Why are children excluded? Children in Hospitality and Tourism: Marketing and Managing Experiences (Vol. 4). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
  • Maximiliano, M., Seraphin, H, and Gowreesunkar, V (2020) Post-Colonial, Conflict and Disaster Destinations Marketing Strategy: Towards a New Approach to Tourism Management. Apple Academic Press, a division of Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press 
  • Seraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V., Zaman, M., & Lorey, T. (2019). Limitations of Trexit (tourism exit) as a solution to overtourism. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.
  • Gowreesunkar, V., & Seraphin, H. (2019). Conclusion: local communities’ quality of life: what strategy to address overtourism? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.
  • Séraphin, H and Gowreesunkar, V (2019). What marketing strategy for destinations with a negative image? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Volume 11 Number 2, 2019
  • Seraphin, H. and Gowreesunkar, V (2018), in Seraphin, H and Korstanje, M. editions - International Event Management Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, Nova Science Publishers, New York ISBN 978-1-53613—665-4 Publishers,  / ISBN: 978-1-53613-664-7:/
  • Singh, T. V, Naqvi, M. and Gowreesunkar, V (2018). What tourism can do: the fall of pastoral Manali resort in Kulu Valley of Indian Himalayas. E-book, available on Springer on
  • Gowreesunkar, V. G., Séraphin, H. & Morrison, A. (2018), “Destination Marketing Organisations: Roles and Challenges”, In Gursoy, D. & Chi, C.G. (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Marketing, London & New-York. Also on
  • Seraphin, H., & Gowreesunkar, V. (2018). Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis to Identify the Bright Spots in Dark Tourism. In M. Korstanje, & B. George (Eds.), Virtual Traumascapes and Exploring the Roots of Dark Tourism (pp. 67-83). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2750-3.ch004; E-Book, Chapter 4, IGI Global book series Advances in Hospitality, Tourism, and the Services Industry (AHTSI) (ISSN: 2475-6547; eISSN: 2475-6555) August 2017: electronic access:
  • Séraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V and Chaarani, B (2017). International hotel chains: A two-tier CSR system: The case of the hospitality sector in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince (Haïti) – in Christina Koutra's edited book "Corporate Social Responsibility: Applications of Good Practices and Malpractices in Tourism and the Hospitality Industry in the Developing World", Nova Science Publisher, ISBN 978-53612-310-4 (2018). 
  • Gowreesunkar, V GB and Varvaressos, S. (2017). Attributes Influencing Customer Satisfaction: A Mauritian Case Study. Handbook of Consumer Behavior for Hospitality and Tourism, Routledge, UK, pp 185-200
  • Gowreesunkar, V GB and Dixit, S. (2017). Consumer Information Seeking Behaviour. Handbook of Consumer Behavior for Hospitality and Tourism, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group Publishing, Routledge: UK, pp 55-68

Case Studies