CSR & Environment

Date Topic Role Links
23rd September, 2021 Swacchata Pledge, biocompost pit preparation,  Organizer-Dr. Arpita  
12th August , 2021 Plantation drive and sensitization session on Solid waste management in the occasion of Swachh Himachal Abhiyan Organizer-Dr. Arpita  
08th July, 2021 COVID-19 VACCINATION DRIVE  at Kunja village Dr. Devika-organizer along with UBA committee Click here for the photo gallery
01st-07th June, 2021 Essay competetion "The Effects of Plastic waste on Biodiversity” Co-ordinator--Dr. Arpita along with other faculy members -Dr. Devika, Dr. Bhavin, Dr. Parul  
04th June, 2021 National seminar titled ‘Only One Earth’ to commemorate World Environment Day Convener-Dr. Arpita, co-convener Dr. Parul Click here for the photo gallery
22nd April, 2021 National seminar titled ‘Restore Our Earth’ to commemorate Earth Day  Convener-Dr. Arpita, co-convener Dr. Devika

Click here for the photo gallery


22nd March 2021 Webinar on water management titled “The Path towards sustainable Water Management” Convener-Dr. Arpita along with UBA-committee chair-Dr. Patra Click here for the photo gallery