Tender for Providing Canteen Services at IIM Sirmaur (IIMS/PUR/Canteen Service/01/2021-22)

Announcement Start Date
Announcement End Date


Notice Inviting Tender No.: IIMS/PUR/Canteen Service/01/2021-22, Dated 08.04.2021


Date of Issue


Tender No.

IIMS/PUR/Canteen Service/01/2021-22

Last date for receipt of duly filled in signed /stamped tenders documents

29.04.2021 by 11:00 AM

Date and Time of the opening the Technical  and Financial Bid

29.04.2021 at 03:00 PM

Tender Fee




Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur (IIM), invites sealed tenders for Providing Canteen Services at IIM Sirmaur temporary Campus, Rampurghat Road, Paonta Sahib, H.P. - 173025.Note: This tender document contains 14 pages and bidders are requested to sign on all the pages.   The duly filled in signed/stamped bid should be sealed by the bidders and superscribed as "Tender for Providing Canteen Services at IIM Sirmaur".

Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur

Rampurghat Road, Paonta Sahib, Distt. Sirmaur,

Himachal Pradesh-173025

The tender document may be downloaded from website www.iimsirmaur.ac.in. The bidder shall have to be submitted duly filled, sealed and signed at the above-mentioned address. All the bidders should submit a demand draft of Rs.10,000/- (Ten Thousand Only) in favour of "IIM Sirmaur" payable at Paonta Sahib, Distt. Sirmaur, as the earnest money deposit (EMD). The EMD of unsuccessful tenderers shall be refunded within 90 days after finalization of the contract.


Click here to download Tender Document