BIO-COMPOST PIT installed at IIM Sirmaur campus
Centre for Sustainability & Environmental Management (CSEM) has set up a bio-compost pit to ensure organic farming practice at IIM Sirmaur campus Rampur Ghat Road Paonta Sahib. Composting is the natural process of repurposing organic matter into a valuable fertilizer to enrich soil and plants.
CSEM was established in November 2019 at IIM Sirmaur. The Centre seeks to contribute significantly to the understanding and practice of three pillars of sustainable development: social, environmental, and economic.
CSEM team facilitated the construction of a bio-compost pit in its campus to manage the Solid Wet waste generated from the campus garden. In the pit, animal manures from cow, poultry, and goat were added along with leaves (as a natural pesticide to prevent plant diseases) from three plants, namely Neem, Dhatura, and Aakand. The second round of bio-compost pit was set on 8 March 2022 under the supervision of CSEM officials with the help of the Institute’s gardeners and housekeeping staff. Mixing of sufficient water to the pile in an interval of 15-20 days will be executed to maintain the proper moisture level and provide better aeration. The quantity of animal manure is increased to produce more organic fertilizer. The next batch of organic fertilizer cum pesticide will be ready by June 2022.
The first bio-compost pit was created in Oct 2021 and the end product as organic fertilizer and pesticides was processed in Feb 2022. The produce of the previous bio—compost pit is now used to grow vegetables, flowers, and plants on IIM Sirmaur campus. The use of organic fertilizer saved the expenditure on procuring chemical fertilizers and pesticides which is further helping in mitigating the harmful effect of chemicals in agriculture. The plants in the IIM Sirmaur campus are responding very well to the organic fertilizer cum pesticides which is a major achievement of CSEM in the direction of sustainable gardening and agriculture.