Notice Inviting Tender for Rate Contract for Supply of Stationery Items at IIM Sirmaur

Announcement Start Date
Announcement End Date


On behalf of Indian Institute of Management, Sirmaur, Notice Inviting Tender for Rate Contract for Supply of Stationery Items at IIM Sirmaur are invited under Two Bid System in sealed cover.

The detailed Description and Term & Conditions of Tender Document may be seen and downloaded from IIM Sirmaur website The Last date of submission of tenders is 18.08.2022 by 11:00 am in the Tender Box kept in the Main Security Gate of IIM Sirmaur, Rampurghat Road, Paonta Sahib, H.P.-173025.

On behalf of IIM Sirmaur, the sealed tender under “TWO BIDS (TECHNICAL & FINANCIAL) SYSTEM” in the prescribed tender document from firms/manufacturers/suppliers for “Rate Contract for Supply of Stationery Items to IIM Sirmaur”.

Schedule of Tender

Sr. No.




Cost of Tender Form



Date of issue of Tender Document



Last date & Time of Submission of Tender Document

18.08.2022 by 11:00 am


Date of Opening of Technical & Financial Bid

18.08.2022 at 3:00 pm


Earnest Money Deposit

The DD of EMD of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) is to be drawn in favour of “IIM Sirmaur”. In respect of successful bidder, it will be returned after the submission of Performance Security Deposit to IIM Sirmaur and Performance Security Deposit should remain valid for a period of Ninety Days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations including warranty. Any other dues outstanding shall also be recovered from the Performance Security Deposit. In the case of unsuccessful Bidders, the EMD shall be refunded within 30 days of award of contract to successful bidder/bidders.

Note:;The details of Tender Terms & Conditions are mentioned in Tender Document.

  1. The tender form can be downloaded free of cost from the Institute website w.e.f. 27.07.2022.
  2. The IIM Sirmaur reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
  3. Interested Bidders are advised to visit IIM Sirmaur, Paonta Sahib Website for details of this Tender Document and any corrigendum/addendum etc.

Click here for the tender document