Dr. Sana Maidullah
Assistant Professor, Tourism Management
MBA, Ph.D. (IIT Jodhpur)
Dr. Sana Maidullah is a Ph.D. in Humanities & Social Sciences from the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. She has served as an Assistant Professor at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, India. Her areas of interest are Tourism Marketing, Smart Tourism Technology, Tourism Operation Management, Travel and Tourism Laws, and Regulation, Tourism Entrepreneurship, and Marketing Research. She has presented various research papers at international conferences and published several research articles and book chapters in Scopus-listed national and international journals. She has participated in MHRD-UGC ePathshala Project for subject PG English as Content Writer for one module titled ‘Consumer Cultures’ for Paper XVI [Cultural Studies] and finalized it for INFLIBNET.
Book chapter
MHRD-UGC e-Pathshala Project
Book chapter
MHRD-UGC e-Pathshala Project