Dr. Vikas Kumar
Associate Professor, Marketing Management
MBA, Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee)
Dr. Vikas Kumar, is an Assistant Professor in the department of Marketing Management at Indian Institute of Management, Sirmaur. Prior joining IIM Sirmaur, he was associated with Department of Management Studies, NIT-Hamirpur (H.P.) as Lecturer for about 8.5 months. He has worked as an Assistant Manager in the department of Container services & Marketing in Liner & Passenger division of Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. Later on, he joined IIT Roorkee, as a research scholar in the area of marketing. More specifically, he worked in the area of destination branding. His work relates to the examination of the role of destination personality and self-congruity in creating destination brands. He contributed largely to the institute’s activities by assisting in national and international level conferences and various workshops on data analysis and research publications. He has published a good number of research papers in various international journals of repute such as Journal of Retailing & Consumer services, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Travel & Tourism marketing Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Tourism Management Perspectives etc. He is a regular reviewer of top quality journals like Tourism Management, Tourism Management Perspectives and Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing etc.