Dr. Devika Vashisht
Assistant Professor, Marketing Management
MBA (Marketing), Ph.D. (The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education), Visiting Fellow at Fogelman College of Business & Economics, The University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA (2012-2013)
Dr. Devika Vashisht is a Ph.D. in management from IBS Hyderabad, IFHE University, India. She was a Visiting Scholar at University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA. She has served as an Assistant Professor at IBS Hyderabad, India. She has been to Europe (Paris School of Business, France; Belgium, Netherland) as a part of educational tour for a month. Her areas of interest are Marketing Management, Advertising, Branded Entertainment, Persuasion, Brand Placements, Advergames and Marketing Research. She was endowed the Best Teacher Award in the year 2019 with a money prize of Rs. 1 Lakh. She has presented various research papers in international conferences and published several research articles in ABDC and Scopus listed international journals. In her research line, she has won three Best Paper Awards in International Marketing Conference held at IIM-Lucknow, India in 2017, another at “Globalizing Brand India: Opportunities and Challenges” International Marketing Conference conducted by IIM-Kashipur, India in the year 2015; and also bagged one best paper award in “2015 Society for Marketing Advances Conference” held at San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Brand Management, Marketing Management-I, Marketing Management-II, Integrated Marketing Communications, Services Marketing, Marketing Research, Quantitative Methods, Business Research Methods & Principles of Management.
Forthcoming Publications
Publications in the year 2021
Publications in the year 2020
Publications in the year 2019
Publications in the year 2018
Publications in the year 2017
Publications in the year 2016
Publications in the year 2015
Abroad: Paper Presented and Published in Conference Proceedings
In India: Paper Presented and Published in Conference Proceedings