
Dr. Devika Vashisht

Assistant Professor, Marketing Management

Dr. Devika Vashisht
Dr. Devika Vashisht
Assistant Professor
Marketing Management

MBA (Marketing), Ph.D. (The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education), Visiting Fellow at Fogelman College of Business & Economics, The University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA (2012-2013)



Dr. Devika Vashisht is a Ph.D. in management from IBS Hyderabad, IFHE University, India. She was a Visiting Scholar at University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA. She has served as an Assistant Professor at IBS Hyderabad, India. She has been to Europe (Paris School of Business, France; Belgium, Netherland) as a part of educational tour for a month. Her areas of interest are Marketing Management, Advertising, Branded Entertainment, Persuasion, Brand Placements, Advergames and Marketing Research. She was endowed the Best Teacher Award in the year 2019 with a money prize of Rs. 1 Lakh. She has presented various research papers in international conferences and published several research articles in ABDC and Scopus listed international journals. In her research line, she has won three Best Paper Awards in International Marketing Conference held at IIM-Lucknow, India in 2017, another at “Globalizing Brand India: Opportunities and Challenges” International Marketing Conference conducted by IIM-Kashipur, India in the year 2015; and also bagged one best paper award in “2015 Society for Marketing Advances Conference” held at San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Teaching and Research Interest

Brand Management, Marketing Management-I, Marketing Management-II, Integrated Marketing Communications, Services Marketing, Marketing Research, Quantitative Methods, Business Research Methods & Principles of Management.

Research and Consultancy Projects

Awards And Honours

  • Best Teacher Award 2019 at IBS Gurgaon with a money prize of Rs. 1 Lakh on 5th September 2019.
  • Best Paper Award at Fifth Pan-IIM World Management Conference in December 2017 at IIM-Lucknow, India.
  • Best Internship-Mentor Award in September 2016 at ICFAI Business School, Gurgaon, India.
  • Best Paper Award at Society for Marketing Advances International Conference in November 2015 at San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  • Best Paper Award at International Marketing Conference in March 2015 at IIM-Kashipur, India.
  • Professional Development Grant for Visiting Research Scholar Program from August 2012 – June 2013, at Fogelman College of Business and Economics, University of Memphis, TN, USA.
  • Scholarships & Distinctions during B.Sc.Ed. (2003-2007), MBA (2007-2009) and Ph.D. (2010-2015).


Forthcoming Publications

  • Book Chapter by Vashisht, D. (Forthcoming) on “Engaging and Entertaining Customers: Gamification in Interactive Marketing” in the Handbook of Interactive Marketing”, Pearson Publisher, to be published in 2022.
  • Vashisht, D. (Forthcoming) “Art of Using Music-Product Congruence and Lyrics in Radio-Ads”, Arts and the Market. [Indexed by ABDC- C Ranking; Scopus; ABI Inform; British Library; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing; EBSCO; Emerging Soucres Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics); ReadCube Discover; Summon; AIDEA (Italy); Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List; Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS, UK) Academic Journal Guide].

Publications in the year 2021

  • Vashisht, D. (2021), “The Effect of Novelty in In-Game Advertising: Examining the Moderating Role of Interactivity and Congruency”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 769-786. [Indexed by ABDC- B Ranking; Scopus; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing; Electronic Collections Online; Emerging Sources Citation Index; INSPEC; ReadCube Discover; ProQuest; Zetoc (British Library), AIDEA, CABS UK].
  • Vashisht, D., Mohan, S., Chauhan, A. and Vashisht, R. (2021), “Thought Favorability: Mediating Role in Fit and Brand Advocacy”, Arts and the Market, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 40-53. [Indexed by ABDC- C Ranking; Scopus; ABI Inform; British Library; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing; EBSCO; Emerging Soucres Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics); ReadCube Discover; Summon; AIDEA (Italy); Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List; Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS, UK) Academic Journal Guide].

Publications in the year 2020

  • Vashisht D., Mohan, S. and Chauhan, A. (2020), “In-Game Advertising: The Role of Newness Congruence and Interactivity”, Spanish Journal of Marketing, Vol. 24 No. 2, pp. 213-230 [Indexed by ABDC- B Ranking; Scopus; DOAJ, EBSCO, CABELLS, ISOC (CSIC), LATINDEX 2.0, Google Scholar, Academia, Research Gate, Mendeley, Kudos, IN-RECS, RESH, DIALNET PLUS, CIRC, DICE, E-Revistas, Academic Resource Index – ResearchBib, Scientific Indexing Services - Master Journal List].
  • Vashisht D. (2020), “The Impact of Game-Specific Factors on Brand Recall and Brand Attitude”, Journal of Management and Economic Studies, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 79-88 [Indexed in DRJI| Directory of Research Journals Indexing, ReseachBib – Academic Resource Index, ISI | International Scientific Indexing, RI-ROOTINDEXING, ESJI | Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, ICI Index Copernicus, General Impact Factor, Citefactor Indexing, EuroPub Database, Scientific Indexing Services].

Publications in the year 2019

  • Vashisht, D. and Royne M. B. (2019), “What we know and need to know about the gamification of advertising: a review and synthesis of the advergame studies”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53 No. 4, pp. 607-634. [Indexed by ABDC- A* Ranking; Scopus; ISI Social Sciences Citation Index; ISI Journal Citation Reports; ISI Research Alert; Emerald Management Reviews; Academic Research; Autographics; Business & Industry; Business Source; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management & Marketing; Collectanea Corporate; CPI Digest; Current Citations Express; Electronic Collections Online; EP Collection; Expanded Academic Index; Galileo; General Reference Center; Innovative; INSPEC; Leisure Recreation and Tourism Abstracts; Manning & Napier; MasterFILE; OCLC; PsycINFO; ReadCube Discover; Scandinavia; Telebase; World Bank Magazine; Zetoc (British Library), CNRS France, FNEGE France; The Publication Forum (Finland); Total Citations: 18; Downloads: 1201 since 2019]
  • Vashisht, D. (2019), “Effect of interactivity and congruence on brand advocacy and brand acceptance”, Arts and the Market, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 152-161. [Indexed by ABDC- C Ranking; Scopus; ABI Inform; British Library; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing; EBSCO; Emerging Soucres Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics); ReadCube Discover; Summon; AIDEA (Italy); Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List; Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS, UK) Academic Journal Guide Downloads: 412 since 2019]

Publications in the year 2018

  • Vashisht, D. (2018), “Effect of product involvement and brand prominence on advergamers’ brand recall and brand attitude in an emerging market context”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 43-61. [Indexed by ABDC - A Ranking; ABI Inform; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Marketing; EBSCO host; Electronic Collections Online; INSPEC; ISI Social Sciences Citation Index; ReadCube Discover; Scopus; TOC Premier; Zetoc (British Library); Total Citations: 10; Downloads: 816 since 2018
  • Vashisht, D. and Mohan, S. (2018), “Game-speed influence and brand attitude: Mediating role of thought favorability in in-game advertising”, Arts and the Market, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 99-112. [Indexed by ABDC - C Ranking; ABI Inform; British Library; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing; EBSCO; ReadCube Discover; Summon; Downloads: 114 since 2018]
  • Vashisht, D. (2018), “How advergame-speed, game-product congruence and players’ persuasion knowledge influence brand recall”, Journal of Asia Business Studies, Vol. 12 No. 2. [Indexed by ABDC - C Ranking; Scopus; Qualis, BFI, Business Source Complete; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Psychology and Psychiatry; EBSCO (Business Source Complete); EBSCO (TOC Premier); The Publication Forum (Finland); Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index; Zetoc (British Library)]

Publications in the year 2017

  • Vashisht, D. and Chauhan, A. (2017), “Effect of game-interactivity and congruence on presence and brand attitude”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 35 No. 6, pp. 789-804. [Indexed by ABDC- A Ranking; Scopus; Business Source Complete; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management & Marketing; CNRS (France); CPI Digest; Electronic Collections Online; Emerald Management Reviews; FNEGE (France); ReadCube Discover; Scopus; The Marketing Report; Zetoc (British Library);ESSEC; Total Citations: 14; Downloads: 396 since 2017]
  • Vashisht, D. (2017), “How gamers process in-game brand placements under different game-involvement conditions”, Management Research Review, Vol. 40 No. 4, pp. 471-490. [Indexed by ABDC- C Ranking; Scopus; Quality Journal List, BFI (Denmark), JourQUAL 2.1 (Germany), NSD (Norway), Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN), QUALIS, ABI Inform, British Library, Business Source Alumni Edition/Complete/Government Edition/Corporate Plus/Elite/Premier, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities is Management and Marketing, EBSCO, DIALOG, Emerging Sources Citation Index, INSPEC, OCLC's Electronic Collections Online, ProQuest; Total Citations: 5; Downloads: 424 since 2017]
  • Vashisht, D. and S. S. (2017), “Are you able to recall the brand? The impact of brand prominence, game involvement and persuasion knowledge in online-advergames.”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 402-414. [Indexed by ABDC- A Ranking; Scopus; Business Source Complete; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management & Marketing; CNRS (France); CPI Digest; Electronic Collections Online; Emerald Management Reviews; FNEGE (France); ReadCube Discover; Scopus; The Marketing Report; Zetoc (British Library); Total Citations: 17; Downloads: 733 since 2017]
  • Vashisht, D. and S. S. (2017), “Effect of nature of the game on ad-persuasion in online gaming context: Moderating roles of game-product congruence and consumer’s need for cognition”, Internet Research, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 52-73. [Indexed by ABDC- A Ranking; Scopus; The Association of Business Schools' (ABS) Academic Journal Guide 2015 (the Guide), BFI (Denmark), Computing Research & Education (CORE) Journal Ranking (B), The Publication Forum (Finland), Science Citation Index Expanded ®, Social Sciences Citation Index ® ABI, Total Citations: 24; Downloads: 693 since 2017]

Publications in the year 2016

  • Vashisht, D. and Royne, M. B. (2016), “Advergame speed influence and brand recall: The moderating effects of brand placement strength and gamers’ persuasion knowledge”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 63, pp. 162-169. [Indexed by ABDC – A Ranking; Scopus; Pyshology Abstarcts, PsycLIT, PsycINFO, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences; COMPENDEX; EMBASE; IBZ; MathEduc; Total Citations: 45; Downloads: 247 since 2016; Five Year Impact Factor: 4.252]
  • Vashisht, D. and S. S. (2016), “Are they really persuaded with the brand embedded in the game? Analyzing the effects of nature of game, brand prominence and game-product congruence”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 249-264. [Indexed by ABDC - B Ranking; Scopus; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing; Electronic Collections Online; Emerging Sources Citation Index; INSPEC; ReadCube Discover; ProQuest; Zetoc (British Library), AIDEA, CABS UK; Total Citations: 6; Downloads: 485 since 2016]
  • Vashisht, D. and Chauhan, A (2016), “Impact of Advergames on Brand Recall and Brand”, Business Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 211-217. [Indexed by UGC; Total Citations: 3; Downloads: 3 since 2016]
  • Vashisht, D. and S. S. (2016), “The effect of nature of online advergames on gamers’ ad-persuasion: Moderating roles of game involvement and need for cognition”, International Journal of Internet Marketing & Advertising, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 171-185. [Indexed by ABDC-C Ranking; Scopus; Academic OneFile; Expanded Academic ASAP; Total Citations: 5; Downloads: 321 since 2016]

Publications in the year 2015

  • Vashisht, D. and S. S. (2015), “Impact of nature of advergames on brand recall and brand attitude among young Indian gamers: Moderating roles of game-product congruence and persuasion knowledge”, Young Consumers, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 454-467. [Indexed by ABDC - B Ranking; Scopus; Business Source Complete; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Psychology and Psychiatry; EBSCO (Business Source Complete); EBSCO (TOC Premier); Electronic Collections Online; PsycINFO; ReadCube Discover; The Publication Forum (Finland); Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index; Zetoc (British Library); Total Citations: 13; Downloads: 710 since 2015]
  • Vashisht, D. (2015), “Advertising to children: Earlier television and now advergames”, Business Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 354-358. [Indexed by UGC; Total Citations: 3; Downloads: 8 since 2015]
  • Vashisht, D. and S. S. (2015), “Effects of brand placement strength, prior game playing experience and game involvement on brand recall in advergames”, Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 292-312. [Indexed by ABDC - C Ranking; Scopus; ABI-Inform; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management & Marketing; EBSCO Discovery Service; INSPEC; International Bibliography of Social Sciences; Zetoc (British Library); Total Citations: 19; Downloads: 540 since 2015]

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers


Abroad: Paper Presented and Published in Conference Proceedings

  • Paper titled “The Mediating Role of Narrative Realism in Congruence and Brand Attitude for In-game Advertising”, presented at Society for Marketing Advances International Conference in November 2021 at Orlando, USA.
  • Paper titled “The Mediating Role of Narrative Transportation in Historical Connection and Brand Image for Heritage Hotels”, presented at European Advertising Association (EAA) ICORIA Conference in June 2021 at France, Europe.
  • Paper titled “Impact of advergame speed, brand placement strength and persuasion knowledge on brand recall”, presented at Society for Marketing Advances International Conference in November 2015 at San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  • Paper titled “Advertising to children” accepted and presented in Mustang Academic Conference, in February 2013 at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

In India: Paper Presented and Published in Conference Proceedings

  • Vashisht, D. (2021), “The Effect of Novelty in In-Game Advertising: Examining the Moderating Role of Interactivity and Congruency”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 769-786. [Indexed by ABDC- B Ranking; Scopus; Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing; Electronic Collections Online; Emerging Sources Citation Index; INSPEC; ReadCube Discover; ProQuest; Zetoc (British Library), AIDEA, CABS UK].
  • A research paper titled “Gamification of brands and its effects”, presented at Second International Conference on Digital Economy in December 2019 at IIM-Raipur, India.
  • A research paper titled “Effect of game-interactivity and fit on brand attitude and brand advocacy”, presented at Fifth Pan-IIM World Management Conference in December 2017 at IIM-Lucknow, India.
  • A research paper titled “Effect of brand prominence and product involvement on ad-persuasion in advergames”, presented at Conference on Brand Management in April 2016 at IIT-Delhi, India.
  • A research paper titled “Impact of advergame speed, game-product congruence and persuasion knowledge on brand recall”, presented at First International Marketing Conference on “Globalizing Brand India: Opportunities and Challenges” in March 2015 at IIM-Kashipur, India.
  • A research paper titled “An empirical study on advergames” presented at International Conference on Evidence Based Management, in March 2015 at BITS-Pilani, India.
  • A research paper titled “Impact of advergame speed and persuasion knowledge on brand recall and brand attitude”, presented at AIMS-12 International Conference on Management in January 2015 at IIM-Kozhikode.
  • A research paper titled “Effects of brand placement strength, prior game playing experience and game involvement on gamers’ brand recall in advergames” presented at International Conference in Business Paradigms in Emerging Markets, in November 2014 at NIT-Rourkela, India.
  • A research paper titled “Advergames” in Eleventh AIMS International Conference, in December 2013 at IMT Ghaziabad.
  • A research paper titled “Advertising to children - earlier television and now advergames”, presented at International Conference on Management, Business & Economics in June 2013 at Vijayawada, India.
  • A research paper entitled “Order of Entry: Impact of Firm Level Variables on Firms’ Sales” in International Conference FOBE-2012 in November 2012 at IMT Ghaziabad, India.
  • A research paper titled “Firm Level Variables & Impact on Sales” in 4th International Conference Convergence in January 2012 at IFIM Business School, Bangalore, India.
  • A research paper titled “Impact of firm level variables on firm sales with reference to liberalization effect and order of entry phenomenon”, presented at 7th SIMSR Asia Marketing Conference in January 2012 at K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai, India.

Books and Book Chapters

Case Studies