Dr. Amit Gupta
Professor, Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management
Ph. D (Organizational Behavior), Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, USA Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Agriculture), IIM Ahmedabad Bachelor of Science (Dairy Technology), National Dairy Research Institute
Dr. Amit Gupta earned his doctorate from the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland at College Park in the area of Organizational Behavior. He has over 21 years work experience as a faculty member in IIM’s at Indore, Bangalore, and Amritsar, besides MDI Gurgaon. His corporate work experience has been with marketing in Hoechst India Limited and with internal consulting and leadership development at Wipro.
His research interests are in the areas of leadership, change management, cross-cultural management, organization cynicism, and structure and design. His publications have appeared in International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of International Management European Management Review, Vision, Accident Analysis and Prevention, among others. He has taught courses in the areas of teams, organization structure and design, knowledge management, negotiations, organization change management, business ethics, and organization theory. He has presented papers at various national and international conferences.
2021. HR Audit Compliance to PCMM Level 2 and 3 for SJVN Limited, SJVN Limited. (with Prof.s’ Ravishankar Kommu, Vartika Dutta)
2006. Consulting Capabilities of Wipro, Corporate Human Resource Development, Wipro Limited, Doddakannelli, Sarjapur, Bangalore – 560 035, India
2006. Study of Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern of CCI, Competition Commission of India, ‘B’ Wing, HUDCO Vishala, 14, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066, India. (with Prof’s. Subhashish Gupta, Abhoy K. Ojha, Deepak Sinha, IIM Bangalore).
2005. Study of a Matrix Organization, Olam International Limited, 9 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec Tower Two, Singapore – 038989. (IIM Bangalore).
2005. Outside/peer review of autonomous organizations under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Pasteur Institute of India, Coonoor - 643 103, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India (with Prof. Abhoy K. Ojha, IIM Bangalore).
2005. Outside/peer review of autonomous organizations under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Manasa Gangotri, Mysore - 570 006, India (with Prof. Abhoy K. Ojha, IIM Bangalore).
2005. Re-evaluation of Strategic Objectives and Business Model of HMT (International), HMT (International) Limited, HMT Bhavan, 59, Bellary Road, Bangalore – 560 032, India. (with Prof. Abhoy K. Ojha, IIM Bangalore).
2003. Review of Organizational Structure, Grasim Industries Ltd., Haveri Grasim Industries Limited, Unit: Harihar Polyfibers (HPF) & Grasilene Division (GRD), P.O. Kumarapatnam, Dist. Haveri – 581 123, India. (with Prof. V. Anand Ram, IIM Bangalore).
2003. Evaluation of the operations at Aero India 2003, Department of Defense Production and Supplies, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, New Delhi, India. (with Prof. Abhoy K. Ojha, IIM Bangalore).
2003. Technical Report on Program Management Structure of IFCOsDP, Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE), Defence Research and Development Organization, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, Avadi, Chennai – 600 054, India. (with Prof. T. R. Madanmohan, IIM Bangalore).
2002. Leadership and Team Building Autoliv IFB India Pvt. Ltd., 16 Visveswaraiah Industrial Estate, Mahadevapura, Bangalore, India. (with Prof. C. Manohar Reddy, IIM Bangalore).
2002. Leadership and Change Management Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Limited, Mysore, India. (with Prof. N. M. Agrawal, IIM Bangalore).
1999. Senior Management Program for Matlani Group, Indore, on Delegation in Organizations, Matlani Group, 38 Patel Nagar, Indore – 452 001, India, (with Prof. P. W. Khokle, IIM Indore).
1989 – 90, Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing Company Ltd., Scholarship awarded by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad for academic performance in the second year of the two-year Post-Graduate Program in Management.
Gupta, A., & Mishra, P. (2024). Effect of dimensions of cynicism about organization change on job motivation, job involvement, and turnover intentions. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 13(4), 757-777. https://doi.org/10.33844/ijol.2024.60442
Mishra, P., & Gupta, A. (2024). Exploring the Use of Diary Entries for Qualitative Researchers: Mitigating Challenges When Investigating Sensitive Topics on Indian Women. The Qualitative Report, 29(5), 1279-1298. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2024.6330
Gupta, A., & Chawla, S. (2024). Toxic Leadership in Workplaces: Insights from Bibliometric, Thematic Analysis, and TCM Framework. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 13(1), 179-200. doi: 10.33844/ijol.2024.60405
Mishra, P. and Gupta, A. (2023). Suraj Kumar: balancing career, family, and self. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-09-2022-0304
Gupta, A. (2022). Impact of service climate dimensions on customer service quality: Test of a multilevel model. South Asian Journal of Management, 29(1), 7-29. (ABDC-C).
Gupta, A., Goel, A., & Bande-Vilela, B. (2024). Role of Empowerment and Interpersonal Relations in Reducing Cynicism and Politics Among Indian IT Workers. Vision, 28(1), 67-75. https://doi.org/10.1177/09722629211029008 (ABDC-C).
Bamel, U. K., Pandey, R., & Gupta, A. (2020). Safety climate: Systematic literature network analysis of 38 years (1980-2018) of research. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 135, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2019.105387 (ABDC-A*)
Ramamoorthy, N., Yu, C., Kulkarni, S., Gupta, A., & Mkamwa, T. (2019). An examination of attributions, performance rating, and reward allocation patterns: A comparative study of China, India, Tanzania, and the United States. South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management, 6(2), 202-221. https://doi.org/10.1177/2322093719849970 (ABDC-C)
Ramamoorthy, N., Kulkarni, S.P., & Gupta, A. (2015). To bribe or not to bribe: Determinants in the Indian context. European Management Review, 12,4, 247-259. (https://doi.org/10.1111/emre.12053) (ABDC-B)
Ramamoorthy, N., Flood, P. C., Kulkarni, S. P., & Gupta, A. (2014). Individualism–collectivism and tenure intent among knowledge workers in India and Bulgaria: Moderating effects of equity perceptions and task interdependence. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 25(2), 201-209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hitech.2014.07.005 (ABDC-C)
Kulkarni, S., Gupta, A., & Ramamoorthy, N. (2013). Designing effective work teams in a transnational context: Challenges and opportunities. Current Issues of Business and Law, 8:17-29. (Published by the International School of Law and Business, Laisves av.58, Vilnius, Lithuania.)
Bala, Madhu, Chalil, G.R.B., and Gupta, Amit (2012). Emic and Etic: Different Lenses for Research in Culture: Unique Features of Culture in Indian Context, Management and Labour Studies, 37(1), 45-60. https://doi: 10.1177/0258042X1103700105 (ABDC-C)
Gupta, Amit & Prabhu, Ganesh N., (2011). Governance of IIMs: A Critique of the Bhargava Committee Report. Economic & Political Weekly, April 23, 2011, XLVL(17), 16-20. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/41152124) (ABDC-B) (https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=19957&tip=sid&clean=0)
Ramamoorthy, N., Kulkarni, S., Gupta, Amit, & Flood, P. C., (2007). Individualism - Collectivism orientation and employee attitudes: A comparison of employees from the high technology sector in India and Ireland. Journal of International Management, 13(2), 187-203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intman.2006.11.002 (ABDC-A)
Gupta, Amit and Gannon, M. J. (2007). Effects of service climate on service quality: An integrative model. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 8(2/3), 174-187. doi: 10.1504/IJSTM.2007.012867 (SJR Index – 22) (https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=19699&tip=sid&clean=0)
Gannon, Martin J., Locke, Edwin A., Gupta, Amit, Audia, Pino, and Kristof-Brown, Amy L., (2005). Cultural Metaphors as Frames of Reference for Nations: A Six-Country Study, International Studies of Management & Organization, 35(4), 37-47. DOI: 10.1080/00208825.2005.11043744 (ABDC-B)
Ramamoorthy, N., Gupta, Amit, Sardessai, R. M., & Flood, P. C., (2005) Individualism / Collectivism and Attitudes towards Human Resource Systems: A Comparative Study of American, Irish and Indian MBA Students. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16, 852-869. DOI: 10.1080/09585190500083459 (ABDC-A)
Gupta, A. (2004). Book Review “The Dynamics of Knowledge Regime: Technology, Culture and Competitiveness in USA and Japan” by Dengjian Jin, London: Continuum, 2001, 321 pp, Hardback (ISBN: 0-8264-5453-4)", Journal of Cross Culture Management, 4(1), 123-126.
Gupta, Amit, Ramamoorthy, N., Taylor, M. S., & Premack, S., (2003). Antecedents of Met Expectations of Newcomers: A longitudinal Analysis. South Asian Journal of Management, 10(3), 7-18, AMDISA Secretariat, Plot No. 1228, Road No. 60, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033, India). (ABDC-C)
Gupta, A. (2024). From Boomers to Zoomers: Defining generations and their characteristics. Paper presented at the International Conference On Metamorphosis of HR Width (IC-MHRW), Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 19-21 November 2024.
Gupta, A. (2024). Organization Cynicism: Thematic Structure Analysis Using Bibliometric Coupling. Paper presented at the International Conference On Metamorphosis of HR Width (IC-MHRW), Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 19-21 November 2024.
Chaudhary. L., & Gupta, A. (2024). Impact of leadership styles on employee experience and productivity. Paper presented at the TAPMI International Research Conference on Reimagining People Management (TIRCRPM), Manipal, 28 – 30 March 2024.
Gupta, A. (2024). Mindfulness and employee well-being. Paper presented at the 2nd International Research Conference on Mindfulness 2024 (IRCM 2024), Indian Institute of Management, Bodh Gaya, 8th to 10th Feb 2024.
Gupta, A. (2023). Exploring Degrees of Hybridity in Organizational Work Arrangements. Paper presented at the HR conference, and Conclave “HR in Dynamic Business Environment”, Indian Institute of Management Jammu, 14-15 June 2023.
Gupta, A. (2023). Work Design in Hybrid Organizations: One size does not fit all. Paper presented in IIM Jammu HR conference, and Conclave “HR in Dynamic Business Environment”, Indian Institute of Management Jammu, 14-15 June 2023.
Gupta, A. (2023). Workplace inclusivity and employee creativity: Some research questions. Paper presented in 13th International Conference on Excellence in Research and Education “Organizations in Action: Digitalization and Sustainability in Management practices”, Indian Institute of Management Indore, 9-11 June 2023.
Gupta, A. (2023). Cooperation, cooperatives and farmer producer organization in Indian agriculture. Paper presented in CBS National Conference “New horizon of business resilience for Economical and sustainable growth”, 25 March, 2023.
Gupta, A. (2023). Dimensions of sustainability in agriculture. Paper presented in CBS National Conference “New horizon of business resilience for Economical and sustainable growth”, 25 March, 2023.
Gupta, A. (2023). Technology adoption in agriculture in India. Paper presented in CBS National Conference “New horizon of business resilience for Economical and sustainable growth”, 25 March, 2023.
Ramamoorthy, N., Jha, J. K., Kulkarni, S., & Gupta, A. (2019). Do Individualism-Collectivism Orientations and Sensitivity to Impact on Human Capital Affect Decisions about Layoffs and Wage Cuts? Paper presented at the 11th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Tilburg, Netherlands, November 14-15, 2019.
Ramamoorthy, N., Yu, C., Kulkarni, S., Gupta, A., & Mkamwa, T. (2017). An examination of attributions, performance rating, and reward allocation patterns: A comparative study of China, India, Tanzania, and the United States. Paper presented at the 10th Dutch HRM Network Conference, Netherlands, November 9-10, 2017.
Srinivasan R, Srinivasan, Vasanthi and Gupta, Amit (2016). Inclusivity as a dynamic capability. Paper presented at the 4th Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) conference January 11-13, 2016
Goel, Abhishek, Gupta, Amit and Bande-Vilela, Belen (2014). It’s all in interpersonal interactions: Empowerment, organizational cynicism, and perception of organizational politics, (p. 418-427), Values in Shock: The role of contrasting management, economic, and religious paradigms in the workplace, Jorge F. S. Gomes & Joaquim P. Coelho (Eds.) Published by ISSWOV - International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values, Department of Management and Marketing, Louisiana State University Shreveport, One University Place, Shreveport, LA 7115-2399, USA. (p. 418-427).
Ramamoorthy, N., and Gupta, Amit (2013). The effect of psychological contract fulfillment (PCF) on affective and normative commitment among Indian and Bulgarian employees. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference, Changes in Social and Business Environment (CISABE’13), November 7 -8, 2013, Panevėžys, Lithuania.
Aggarwal, Shweta, Gupta, R.K. and Gupta, Amit (2013). Cooperative business system of dairy sector in India. Paper presented at the 29th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, July 4–6, 2013, Montréal, Canada.
Ramamoorthy, N., Kulkarni, S.P., Gupta, Amit, Flood, P.C. (2013). Individualism-Collectivism and Tenure Intent: Role of Equity Perceptions and Task Interdependence. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - August 9-13, 2013 - Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Flood, P.C., Ramamoorthy, N., Kulkarni, S.P., Gupta, Amit (2013). To Bribe or not to bribe? Determinants in the Indian context. Paper presented at the Euram Conference, 26 – 29 June, 2013, Galatasaray University, Istambul, Turkey.
Gupta, Amit and Goel, Abhishek (2012). Impact of Management Practices on Employee Attitudes in Indian IT Service Industry: Differences between Managers and Frontline Staff. Paper presented at the ISSWOV 2012 - 13th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values Conference, Goa, India June 24-27, 2012.
Ramamoorthy, N., Flood, P.C., Kulkarni, S.P., Gupta, Amit, Marchev, Jr., A., and Kondukova, P. (2011). Organizational Justice Perceptions and Work-Related Outomes: A Study of Indian and Bulgarian Employees. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management, Talinn, Estonia, June 1-4, 2011 (http://www.euram2011.org/r/default.asp?iId=EJKMHG)
Gupta, Amit and John, Sunil William (2009). A Field Study of Organizational Responses to the Current Downturn. Paper presented at Seventh AIMS International Conference on Management, IIM Bangalore, 20-23 December, 2009.
Ramamoorthy, Nagarajan, Flood, Patrick C., MacCurtain, Sarah, Gupta, Amit, Kulkarni, Subodh P. (2006). Role of Organizational Justice Perceptions in India and Ireland: An Empirical Examination. Paper presented at Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development (AWBMAMD) Conference, Paris, July 10 to 13, 2006.
Ramamoorthy, Nagarajan, Kulkarni, Subodh P., and Gupta, Amit (2005). Culture and Employee Attitudes: A Comparison of Employees from India and Ireland. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of The Society for Advancement of Management, Las Vegas, April 3-5, 2005.
Ojha, Abhoy K., and Gupta, Amit (2004). HMT International: Options for the future. Case presented at Association for Indian Management Schools (AIMS) Conference, Goa, 27-29 August, 2004.
Gupta, Amit, Sardessai, R. M., Ramamoorthy, N., & Flood, P. C. (2003). Individualism / Collectivism and Attitudes Towards Human Resource Systems: A Comparative Study of American and Indian MBA Students. Paper presented at the First AIMS International Conference on Management, IIM Bangalore, December 28-31, 2003.
Ramamoorthy, N., Gupta, A., Sardessai, R., & Flood, P. (2003). Individualism/Collectivism and attitudes towards human resource systems: A comparative study of American, Irish, and Indian MBA students. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Employment Research Unit Conference, September 10-11, 2003, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Tuttle, T. C., Mordecai, M., and Gupta, A. (1997). Development and deployment of performance measurement in a major U. S. city: A case study. Paper presented at the 10th International Productivity Congress, October 12-15, Santiago, Chile.
Gannon, M. J., Thomas, J., Locke, E. A., Kristof, A. L., Collins, C., Gupta, A., Osmond, C. P., Salam, S., and Audia, G. (1997). Cultural metaphors as frames of reference for nations: A six-country study. Paper presented at the International Management Division at the 1997 Academy of Management National Meeting, August 10-13.
Srinivasan, Vasanthi and Gupta, Amit (2013). Women professionals in the software services sector in India, (pp. 353-368), Handbook of Research on Promoting Women's Careers, Susan Vinnicombe, Ronald J. Burke, Stacy Blake-Beard and Lynda L. Moore (eds.), Edward Elgar publisher. (https://www.elgaronline.com/view/9780857938954.00026.xml)
Gupta, Amit, and Thomas, J. (2004). India: The dance of Shiva. In Martin J. Gannon and Associates, Understanding Global Cultures, Thousand Oaks, Sage Publication, USA. (1st edition – 1994, 2nd edition – 2003 and 3rd edition – 2004).
Mishra, P. and Gupta, A. (2023). Suraj Kumar: balancing career, family, and self. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-09-2022-0304
Chawla, Sonam and Gupta, Amit (2014) Managing Talent at Seven Oaks School. Case Reference no. 414-127-1. Published by Case Center, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK (https://www.thecasecentre.org/main/products/view?id=124936)
Gupta, Amit and Joseph, Amita (2012) Livelihood Advancement Business School. Case no. 9B12M101, Published by Ivey Case Bank, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. (https://www.iveycases.com/ProductView.aspx?id=56566&CM=true&HID=335)
Gupta, Amit and Joseph, Amita (2012) MSPL Limited: CSR and sustainability in mining. Case no. 9B12C023. Published by Ivey Case Bank, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. (https://www.iveycases.com/ProductView.aspx?id=54732)
Gupta, Amit and Saxena, Kshitij (2011) Sumeru software solutions: creating a culture of serene dynamism, Case no. 9B11C036, Published by Ivey Case Bank, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. (https://www.iveycases.com/ProductView.aspx?id=52026)
Gupta, Amit and Srinivasan, Vasanthi (2011) Sports Goods Foundation of India (SGFI): Collective response to CSR issues - Part A: FIFA and the Genesis of SGFI, published in A Compendium of Business Case Studies on Responsible Business Practices, An IICA-GIZ CSR Initiative, 2011. (http://www.teachcsr.com/userfiles/linkfiles/Final%20Compendium.pdf) (listed in SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2123044)
Gupta, Amit and Srinivasan, Vasanthi (2011) Sports Goods Foundation of India (SGFI): Collective response to CSR issues - Part B: UNIDO and Cluster Development, published in A Compendium of Business Case Studies on Responsible Business Practices, An IICA-GIZ CSR Initiative, 2011. (http://www.teachcsr.com/userfiles/linkfiles/Final%20Compendium.pdf) (listed in SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2123044)
Gupta, Amit and Srinivasan, Vasanthi (2011) Sports Goods Foundation of India (SGFI): Collective response to CSR issues - Part C: The Future of SGFI, published in A Compendium of Business Case Studies on Responsible Business Practices, An IICA-GIZ CSR Initiative, 2011. (listed in SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2123044)
Gupta, Amit and Srinivasan, Vasanthi (2011) Suzlon Foundation: Engage, Empower, Sustain. published in A Compendium of Business Case Studies on Responsible Business Practices, An IICA-GIZ CSR Initiative, 2011. (listed in SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2123039) (http://www.teachcsr.com/userfiles/linkfiles/Final%20Compendium.pdf)
Gupta, Amit and Srinivasan, Vasanthi (2011) When Principles pay: Tata Power Plant Mundra. published in A Compendium of Business Case Studies on Responsible Business Practices, An IICA-GIZ CSR Initiative, 2011. (listed in SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2123035) (http://www.teachcsr.com/userfiles/linkfiles/Final%20Compendium.pdf)
Srinivasan, Vasanthi and Gupta, Amit (2011) Affirmative Action: The Tata Story. published in A Compendium of Business Case Studies on Responsible Business Practices, An IICA-GIZ CSR Initiative, 2011. (http://www.teachcsr.com/userfiles/linkfiles/Final%20Compendium.pdf) (listed in SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2123029)