
Dr. Balamurugan Annamalai

Assistant Professor, Marketing Management

Dr. Balamurugan Annamalai
Dr. Balamurugan Annamalai
Assistant Professor
Marketing Management

FPM, XLRI Jamshedpur, PGDM, IIM Calcutta


Teaching and Research Interest

Subjects Taught: Retail Management, FMCG Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Analytics, Marketing Management I, Advances in Consumer Behavior (PhD), Marketing Theories & Contemporary Research (PhD)

Training Conducted: Digital Marketing, Strategic Retail Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Research Interest: Social Media Marketing

Research and Consultancy Projects

Resource Person:
Sales & Marketing Strategy, Birla White Cements
Research Projects, Tata Steel

Awards And Honours


Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

Chandrasekaran, ShabbirHusain & Annamalai (2024). “Social media content strategy for DMOs: examining linguistic style in times of crisis”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (ABDC A).

ShabbirHusain, Pathak, Chandrasekaran & Annamalai (2023). “The Power of Words: Driving Online Consumer Engagement in Fintech”, International Journal of Bank Marketing (ABDC A). 

Chandrasekaran, ShabbirHusain & Annamalai (2022). “Social media and Tourism: a cross-platform study of Indian DMOs”, Current Issues in Tourism (IF: 7.58; ABDC A). 
Annamalai, Yoshida, Varshney, Pathak & Venugopal (2021). “Social media content strategy for sport clubs to drive fan engagement”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (IF: 7.14; ABDC A). 

Aggarwal, Chandrasekaran & Annamalai (2020). “A complete empirical ensemble mode decomposition and support vector machine-based approach to predict Bitcoin prices” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (ABDC A). DOI:


Annamalai, “Influence of Facebook engagement on Indian car sales”, 14th ISDSI Conference (virtual), IIM Raipur 2020.

Annamalai, “Social media driven customer engagement: a systematic review”, Strategic Management Forum (virtual), IIM Nagpur 2021.

Annamalai, Varshney, Pathak & Venugopal, “Influence of sports-club engagement on fan engagement in social media”, 13th ISDSI Conference, IIM Sambalpur 2019.

Annamalai, Chandrasekaran & Varshney, “Cultural differences in Facebook fan engagement: A comparison of Australian and Indian cricket league”, 13th ISDSI Conference, IIM Sambalpur 2019.

Annamalai, Varshney, Pathak & Venugopal, “Influence of sports-club engagement on fan engagement”, MathSport Asia, XLRI Jamshedpur 2018.

Books and Book Chapters

Case Studies

Pathak, Chandrasekaran, Annamalai & Ghosh (2020). “Salt n Soap: Online retailing of food and groceries” Ivey Business Publishing. (Product #: W20697-PDF-ENG)