IIM Sirmaur celebrated International Signage Day on 23rd September, 2021 to aware about Swachhta Action
In the wake of Swachhta Action Plan, IIM Sirmaur has celebrated International Signage Day on September 23rd, 2021 as directed by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE) under the able guidance of Prof. Rohmetra, Director, IIM Sirmaur. The SAP committee has sensitized stakeholders on waste management, water & Energy conservation issues.
Prof. Arpita Ghosh (CSEM coordinator), Prof. Amrinder Singh (Chair-Sankalp), Prof. Rinki Dahiya along with institute’s staff, Sankalp-CSR students committee and some other students have joined the pledge taking ceremony on Swachhta at campus. The pledge was based on Sanitation and hygiene, Water conservation, Rain water harvesting, Energy conservation, Greening, Waste Management: 5 R principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse and regenerate, reducing waste sent to landfill, discouraging use of all plastic disposable items. It was discussed that biodegradable waste can be used for bio-compositing and dry waste can sent for proper recycling. The Swachhta Action Plan was elaborated well to all to promote Swacchta at the campus.
Also, a Biocompost pit was made for composting the garden waste to it. So that garden waste can be composed and further it will reduce the waste generation. The gardeners were sensitized to use the pit further for garden waste decomposition.
Further, Sankalp-CSR committee is also organizing several activities (competition on story writing and video making, guest lectures, etc.) on Environmental issues to celebrate Environmental health week from 21st to 27th September, 2021.